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What Is The Difference Between Carpet & Rug Cleaning?

You sure know how comfortable it feels to walk on floors covered with furry rugs and beautiful carpets, isn’t it? Going around your home that is carpeted wall to wall, results in one having happy feet. Not to forget the way it makes your home look - aesthetically beautiful. 

Setting up the floor with a carpet/rug, is just half the job done; the rest half of it comes with cleaning and maintaining it. A well maintained and clean floor covering builds a healthy indoor environment. Whereas a poorly maintained floor covering is also a potential field to capture all kinds of moss and dirt, which can be harmful to those living in the home. 

But are rugs and carpets, aka the floor coverings, the same thing? No they are not. Carpets and rugs are both related to floor covering, just that their size and fabric material differs. Additionally, carpets are installed and thus, immovable whereas rugs are movable from one place to another. 

Now let’s take a look at their cleaning methods, shall we? 

Carpet Cleaning

Professionally, carpets are cleaned using steam cleaning or hot water extraction method to remove dirt, grime and allergens from your carpets. It might sound difficult, but with the right tools, it’s quite easy to take care of your carpet. One can clean carpets at home by themselves though the task may seem a little complicated to perform. 

Rugs are usually 2 centimetres thick and require special cleaning care. The cleaning and drying process takes about a week to be completed. 

You can also use the below tips to clean and maintain your carpets all around the year: 

  • Vacuum: Vacuum 2-3 times a week to get rid of dust and dirt.

  • Remove furniture dents: You can remove marks caused by furniture easily by rubbing the edge of a quarter across them to encourage the fibres to stand back up.

  • Steam Clean: Carpets should be professionally cleaned about once a year using the steam cleaning or hot water extraction method to remove dirt, grime and allergens from your carpets.

Rug Cleaning

Often, rugs come with  tags attached to them specifying cleaning instructions, so it is advisable to follow them. Rugs are lighter in weight and so they can be cleaned much quickly and easily by adding them in the washing machine. As it requires less attention, cleaning such floor covering is usually much cheaper. 

A few other general rug maintenance tips are: 

  • Use Rug Pads: Use a rug pad to keep rugs securely and safely in place. Rug pads are crucial as they preserve and protect and also extend the life of your rug.

  • Rotate Rugs: Rotating rugs every now and then prevents fading in areas exposed to sunlight rotate rugs.

  • Blot Spills: In the event of an accident by your pet or spills of any kind, do not wet your rug or use chemicals and other cleaning solutions to clean your rugs as these may damage the delicate fibres. Simply remove any debris and blot the spill; then have your rug professionally cleaned as soon as possible to prevent permanent staining and odours.

  • Clean Rugs Regularly: Even without spills or stains, rugs should be professionally cleaned about once a year to remove dirt and debris set deeply in fibres and to repair any damage from regular foot traffic and wear and tear.


Your carpet or rug is designed to last, but it won’t happen until it is cared for. For the best clean, it's smart to get on a cleaning schedule with a professional carpet and rug cleaning company. These experts have the right equipment and know-how to clean and protect your carpets or rugs adequately, so it lasts as long as possible.


Washho looks after cleaning services related to home and office, interior cleaning services such as sofa and carpet, laundry and dry cleaning and so much more! In case you are looking for an all-round cleaner service in your city head to and contact us NOW! We clean, you relax!




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